Takeoff plugins

Now, we know that not everyone has the same environments, or might want a different versioning tactic: maybe

  • release versions should go to acceptance;
  • and SNAPSHOT should go to testing;
  • feature branches should not be deployed

This is where Schiphol Takeoff plugins come in to play. Using Python, we allow you to write your own custom logic regarding what should go where and when. Regarding the where part: we also allow you to introduce your own naming conventions and logic by the form of a Python plugin. Writing your own plugin is quite easy, but to understand what plugins can mean for you a basic understanding of how Schiphol Takeoff works is necessary.

Customization using plugins

Create a new folder in your repository prefixed with takeoff_, for example takeoff_plugins and in it an __init__.py file. This file will contain any custom function for Schiphol Takeoff which will scan and load these on runtime. To create you own logic for deployment simply override the default function. For the example stated above the new function looks like:

import logging

from takeoff.application_version import ApplicationVersion
from takeoff.credentials.branch_name import BranchName
from takeoff.util import get_tag

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

def deploy_env_logic(config: dict) -> ApplicationVersion:
    branch = BranchName(config).get()
    tag = get_tag()

    if tag:
        return ApplicationVersion("acp", str(tag), branch)
    elif branch == "master":
        return ApplicationVersion("tst", "SNAPSHOT", branch)
        logger.info("Not deploying feature branches")

Takeoff will pickup this function and use that one instead of the default one specified in Deployment environments.

Naming conventions

Other functions you can overwrite are the ones that use naming conventions. These are their function definitions

For Azure

  • Resource groups
      def get_resource_group_name(config: dict, env: ApplicationVersion) -> str
  • Keyvault
      def get_keyvault_name(config: dict, env: ApplicationVersion) -> str
  • Cosmos
      def get_cosmos_name(config: dict, env: ApplicationVersion) -> str
  • EventHub namespace
      def get_eventhub_name(config: dict, env: ApplicationVersion) -> str
  • EventHub entity (equivalent of a kafka topic)
      def get_eventhub_entity_name(eventhub_entity_naming: str, env: ApplicationVersion) -> str
  • Kubernetes (AKS)
      def get_kubernetes_name(config: dict, env: ApplicationVersion) -> str

In all of the examples:

  • config: dict is the full configuration of the current deployment step. Including the full contents of .takeoff/config.yml. It does not contain any information about other steps.
  • env: ApplicationVersion is an instance of the class mentioned in deployment environments