Configure EventHub

Creates Azure EventHub consumer groups in a given EventHub namespace. This will also create one EventHub consumer policy per consumer group. The name of this policy equals the name of your application. In addition, also creates producer policies.


Add the following task to deployment.yaml:

- task: configure_eventhub
    - eventhub_entity_naming: some-eventhub
      consumer_group: some-consumer-group
      create_databricks_secret: false
    - eventhub_entity_naming: some-eventhub
      producer_policy: some-producer-policy
      create_databricks_secret: false
field description values
task "configure_eventhub"  
credentials [optional] The source of the credentials to use. Defaults to azure_keyvault. One of: azure_keyvault
credentials_type [optional] The type of the credentials to use. Defaults to active_directory_user. One of: service_principal, active_directory_user
create_consumer_groups [optional] Contains the specification for each consumer group  
create_consumer_groups.eventhub_entity_naming The name of the existing EventHub  
create_consumer_groups.consumer_group [optional] The name of the consumer group to be created  
create_consumer_groups.create_databricks_secret Whether a Databricks secret should be created for the consumer group One of true, false
create_consumer_groups.append_env_to_databricks_secret_name Whether to append the Databricks secret name with the env One of true, false
create_producer_policies [optional] Contains the specification for each producer policy  
create_producer_policies.eventhub_entity_naming The name of the existing EventHub  
create_producer_policies.producer_policy The name of producer policy to be created  
create_producer_policies.create_databricks_secret Whether a Databricks secret should be created for the producer policy One of true, false

Takeoff Context

The producer connection string and consumer group secrets are also available during the [deploy_to_kubernetes][deployment-step/deploy-to-kubernetes] step. This makes it possible to inject them as templated secret to a kubernetes yaml. See the [deploy_to_kubernetes][deployment-step/deploy-to-kubernetes] page for more information.

Takeoff config

Takeoff supports 2 authentication types. You can choose either:

  1. Service Principal
  2. Active Directory User These credentials must be available in your Azure Keyvault, and the correct mapping with the secret names should be available in your config.yaml. Moreover, Databricks credentials configuration must also be in place in order to allow for Databricks secret creation.

Currently Takeoff only supports Azure Keyvault as the source for credentials for use with `configure_eventhub`

The default is to use a Active Directory User. For a service principal, ensure the following keyvault_keys are defined in your config.yaml:

      client_id: "sp-client-id"
      secret: "sp-secret"
      tenant: "azure-tenant"

To use a service principal, you can add the following into your deployment.yaml:

- task: configure_eventhub
  credentials: azure_keyvault
  credentials_type: service_principal

If you prefer to use an Active Directory User, please ensure the following keyvault_keys are defined:

      username: "aad-username"
      password: "aad-password"

To use a service principal, you can add the following into your deployment.yaml:

- task: configure_eventhub
  credentials: azure_keyvault
  credentials_type: active_directory_user

A more complete config.yaml example:

  eventhub_naming: "eventhub{env}"
      username: "aad-username"
      password: "aad-password"
      host: "azure-databricks-host"
      token: "azure-databricks-token"
    subscription_id: "subscription-id"

Here eventhub_naming is the naming rule for your EventHub namespace.


Assume an application name myapp and version 1.2.0. This goes to prd environment.

Minimum configuration example for one consumer group. This will create a single consumer group (if it didn’t already exists) for some-eventhubprd with name some-eventhubprd-connection-string

- task: configure_eventhub
  credentials: azure_keyvault
  credentials_type: active_directory_user
    - eventhub_entity_naming: some-eventhub{env}
      consumer_group: some-consumer-group

Full configuration example. This create one consumer group for entity1prd with name consgroup1 and additionally create a Databricks secret in scope myapp with name entity1prd-connection-string Also, this creates two producer policies for entity2prd with name myapp-send-policy and entity3prd with name myapp-send-policy. For the latter it creates a Databricks secret in scope myapp with name entity3prd-connection-string

- task: configure_eventhub
  credentials: azure_keyvault
  credentials_type: active_directory_user
    - eventhub_entity_naming: entity1{env}
      consumer_group: consgroup1
      create_databricks_secret: true
    - eventhub_entity_naming: entity3{env}
      create_databricks_secret: false
    - eventhub_entity_naming: entity2{env}
      create_databricks_secret: true